
Unit tests

Buildhub2 has a suite of unit tests for Python. We use pytest to run them.

$ make test

If you need to run specific tests or pass in different arguments, you can run bash in the base container and then run pytest with whatever args you want. For example:

$ make shell
root@...:/app# pytest

SQS Functional testing

By default, for local development you can consume the SQS queue set up for Dev. For this you need AWS credentials. You need to set up your AWS IAM Dev credentials in ~/.aws/credentials (under default) or in .env.

The best tool for putting objects into S3 and populate the Dev SQS queue is to run s3-file-maker. To do that run, on your host:

cd "$GOPATH/src"
git clone https://github.com/mostlygeek/s3-file-maker.git
cd s3-file-maker
dep ensure
go build main.go
./main [--help]


This SQS queue can only be consumed by one person at a time.